It used to be that we’d have a down-time between elections, A time that we did not have to pay that much attention to politicians and their antics. Thanks to the perpetual election machine that we’ve adopted – fueled by endless online viewing platforms, cable channels, and other 24/7 digital inputs – there is no getting away from politics and politicians. The constant electioneering can be a bit much, but from the cheap seats where I sit, you see when a political light bulb is turned on that could light up the sky – with solutions.
Canada has many problems: we are barraged with political personalities telling us which are most important. Frankly, I am a bit tired of politicians telling us what problems there are and who is to blame for them – I prefer solutions.
Yes, there is an affordability crisis for families. We don’t need to be reminded five times a day that this problem exists and who is or is not to blame. Where is the solution? How much will it cost? How fast will that solution go into effect? Lucky for us, a political leader has solved at least one pending energy crisis, and he did it without realizing it.
During a recent political rally, Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre spoke of “Extraordinary Canadians.” It’s the standard bluster from the political leader, pointing out average Canadians’ jobs and hyping them up. Progressive balderdash used to connect the career politician with average Canadians. Some people eat this up, but it is has about as much intelligence value as the nutritional value of a certain fast food chain’s french fries.
In Poilievre’s speech, he solved Canada’s pending energy crisis, while also highlighting one of the country’s best paid trades.
“The electrician who captures lightning from the sky runs it through a copper wire to illuminate this room and light up the world is not ordinary, he is extraordinary,” he spoke.
This quote is not made up or from some “fake news” conspiracy website. This is from the proverbial horse’s mouth – published on all his video and social media channels – and it’s brilliant! I don’t know why scientists didn’t come up with this sooner?
To solve Canada’s looming energy woes and the need to more than double our electrical generating capacity from renewable sources by 2050, run some copper wires to the sky and wait for lightning to strike. A politician said it, so you know the science must be true!
I have basic working knowledge of electrical things. Enough to be annoying and ask questions, but not enough to be useful. Maybe the politician is on to something. So I asked two friends who work in the electrical trades if this would work.
Friend One laughed at the clip and said that was one of the most obtuse things he’s heard. “Obtuse” may not have been the word he used, but I substituted it in place of language that cannot be re-printed in this column. Use your imagination.
Friend Two offered similar comments, which were funny but not supportive of Poilievre’s knowledge of their trade or basic science.
Suffice it to say, two-out-of-two electricians consulted by this writer, along with some internet research, agree that Poilievre’s comments were misinformed and nonsensical at best. That’s better statistics than dentists selling toothpaste on TV.
Don’t think that Poilievre’s extraordinary electricians comments were only said once. This is part of the standard political tripe said in at least two other party rallies by the Conservative leader. I guess this won’t solve our need for more electricity after all.
Comments like this from political leaders – and especially leaders of the official opposition – are really unfortunate for two reasons. It’s hoped that those who lead major political parties present facts, not fiction, when talking.
Being factual means being honest with a situation or issue, not waxing poetic nonsense and science fiction. It’s also a sign that the election cycle is an endless merry-go-round of nonsense.
That said, I am curiously intrigued by what other things may come from Poilievre and his political war room. Ideally I’d like to see us have flying cars like on the Jetsons, Star Trek-like food replicators, and inexpensive housing. Likely what I will find is more blaming that other guy for all our problems and sticking his finger in the sky hoping for more energy solutions.
The next federal election must be held by October 25, 2025 – this means we’re in for up to one year and nine months more of this political comedic hilarity. Buckle up! I think I’d rather watch re-runs of Seinfeld.
This column was originally published in the January 17, 2024 print edition of The Morrisburg Leader.